Saturday, December 19, 2009
Late Period Not Pregnant Muceous
We call ASAP partners interested in proposing projects and participate actively in the period 2010-2012 to be contacted by mail: Prof.Dr. Roberto Keklikiàn, Prof. Dr. Guillermo Roccatahliata, Dr. Roberto Sanguinetti, Dr. Claudio Solana. The
Armani Rakets Price 400$
Invitation to Participate Call for Regular Meeting and Election of Officers
Superior Court under the Statute ASAP ASAP Regular Meeting convenes in the office ASAP based in Riobamba 436, Piso 6 Dto 11, Buenos Aires, on April 6, 2010 at 14:00, having published present and exhibited at the Headquarters and broadcast channels ASAP.
Ordinary In the Assembly elected the following officers (High Court and Commission Directive) ASAP to begin his term on June 1, 2010 and ending on May 31, 2012.
Chief Justice (1st vocal) VOCAL the 2nd
the High Court (Chief Justice) 3rd
SUPERIOR COURT VOCAL (vocal alternate) on the 4th
SUPERIOR COURT VOCAL (vocal alternate)
Assistant Secretary
Members of the Advisory Commission
partners interested in this list may do so by submitting a list only headquarters in ASAP Riobamba 436 6 11 before 14:00 pm on March 5, 2010
presentations will not be accepted in the subsites of ASAP 65 Pederson Federal Capital or the subsites of Paraná (Entre Rios), La Plata (Buenos Aires), Corrientes (province of Corrientes), Bariloche (province of Black River), La Rioja (province of La Rioja), Cutral Co (Neuquén province) Salta (Salta) , Córdoba (Córdoba), Mendoza (Mendoza), Rio Gallegos (Santa Cruz) and Bahia Blanca (Buenos Aires).
Any schedule submitted shall indicate the name, surname and position it will occupy in the list each partner.
All applications must have their membership fee current at the time of submission of the list.
Any schedule submitted shall designate one member as a proxy indicating your phone number and legal address (which will receive the relevant notifications by the Board of Elections under the current statute).
not accept submissions of lists that do not meet all those conditions, nor after the March 5, 2010, all submissions being controlled by the Supreme Court ASAP to be issued by their acceptance or rejection.
The vote is secret urn and held for the election of officers between 14:00 and 17:00 on April 6, 2010 at the following locations: Headquarters
ASAP Riobamba 436 6 11
ASAP Subvenues Paraná (Entre Ríos ), La Plata (Buenos Aires), Corrientes (province of Corrientes), Bariloche (province of Black River), La Rioja (province of La Rioja), Cutral Co (Neuquén province) Salta (Salta) Cordoba (Cordoba), Mendoza (Mendoza), Rio Gallegos (Santa Cruz) and Bahia Blanca (Buenos Aires).
vote will not be accepted by mail or through representatives.
Assembly agenda includes
1. Consideration of Annual Report 2009-2010 period
2. Election of officers for 2010-2012 under the current statute and this call. Prof. Dr. Roberto
Isidro Keklikian
Chief Justice
Ordinary In the Assembly elected the following officers (High Court and Commission Directive) ASAP to begin his term on June 1, 2010 and ending on May 31, 2012.
Chief Justice (1st vocal) VOCAL the 2nd
the High Court (Chief Justice) 3rd
SUPERIOR COURT VOCAL (vocal alternate) on the 4th
SUPERIOR COURT VOCAL (vocal alternate)
Assistant Secretary
Members of the Advisory Commission
partners interested in this list may do so by submitting a list only headquarters in ASAP Riobamba 436 6 11 before 14:00 pm on March 5, 2010
presentations will not be accepted in the subsites of ASAP 65 Pederson Federal Capital or the subsites of Paraná (Entre Rios), La Plata (Buenos Aires), Corrientes (province of Corrientes), Bariloche (province of Black River), La Rioja (province of La Rioja), Cutral Co (Neuquén province) Salta (Salta) , Córdoba (Córdoba), Mendoza (Mendoza), Rio Gallegos (Santa Cruz) and Bahia Blanca (Buenos Aires).
Any schedule submitted shall indicate the name, surname and position it will occupy in the list each partner.
All applications must have their membership fee current at the time of submission of the list.
Any schedule submitted shall designate one member as a proxy indicating your phone number and legal address (which will receive the relevant notifications by the Board of Elections under the current statute).
not accept submissions of lists that do not meet all those conditions, nor after the March 5, 2010, all submissions being controlled by the Supreme Court ASAP to be issued by their acceptance or rejection.
The vote is secret urn and held for the election of officers between 14:00 and 17:00 on April 6, 2010 at the following locations: Headquarters
ASAP Riobamba 436 6 11
ASAP Subvenues Paraná (Entre Ríos ), La Plata (Buenos Aires), Corrientes (province of Corrientes), Bariloche (province of Black River), La Rioja (province of La Rioja), Cutral Co (Neuquén province) Salta (Salta) Cordoba (Cordoba), Mendoza (Mendoza), Rio Gallegos (Santa Cruz) and Bahia Blanca (Buenos Aires).
vote will not be accepted by mail or through representatives.
Assembly agenda includes
1. Consideration of Annual Report 2009-2010 period
2. Election of officers for 2010-2012 under the current statute and this call. Prof. Dr. Roberto
Isidro Keklikian
Chief Justice
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Spanish Flea Theme Tune
Clinical Review 2009
Assessment Committee: Drs. Marcelo Roldan, and Roberto Santiago Elizalde Cremorte Keklikián
1) Mark the correct option:
a. Mild obesity has a 10 to 20% of overweight
b. Moderate obesity has a 21 to 40% of overweight
c. Moderate obesity presents a 51 to 80% of overweight
d. Moderate obesity has a 41 to 100% of overweight
e. Severe obesity has a 81 to 100% of overweight
2) The children of obese mothers have: a.
Reduced risk of spina bifida
b. Reduced risk of anorectal atresia
c. Reduced risk of limb defects
d. Reduced risk of gastroschisis
e. Neither is correct
3) According to BMI:
a. An index of 10 indicates overweight
b. An index above 25 indicates overweight
c. An index above 30 indicates morbid obesity
d. An index above 10 is normal in adults
e. An index above 18 indicates mild obesity
4) Waller's study of pregnant women associated weight and risk of birth defects found: a.
Increased risk of cleft lip in children of obese
b. Increased risk of hypospadias in children of undernourished mothers
c. Increased risk of omphalocele in infants of obese
d. Increased risk of anencephaly in infants of obese
e. All of the above
5) According to Piaget:
a. Pragmatism appears that the knowledge has to be explored and built by the children's activity
b. Structuralism argues that the construction of knowledge occurs from the subject's actions
c. Pragmatism explains that logical thought must seek its origin recreational activities in the first months of life
d. The theories of Immanuel Kant were wrong
e. Constructivism believes that knowledge is an object without changing the subject receives
6) The intellectual development shows that: a.
Inheritance provides a biological aspect of intelligence
b. The organization of the individual trends change depending on the medium
c. Adaptation can be divided into beats and regulations
d. The accommodation allows an innate organizing environmental data from all species
e. Assimilation reactions of the individual fits the environment
7) One of the following types of intelligence is not among those cited by Howard Gardner:
a. Musical
b. Body kinetic
c. D. Temporary
e. Linguistics
8) Early recognition of developmental problems: a.
Improved treatment response
b. Reduce dropout
c. Decreases the space between births
d. and b are correct e.
All of the above
9) Highlight the correct premise:
a. Many developmental disorders are not apparent in the first years of life
b. The specific detection of these problems require complex high-cost tests
c. The average age of diagnosis these problems is 2.37 years d.
WHO promotes the use of universal screening tests for e.
The most widely used screening test in the U.S. is to Coriat
10) The national screening test: a.
It was built based on the Denver test
b. Evaluate the percentiles 5, 10 º, 25 º, 50 º and 75 º c.
Covers 56 development patterns
d. Reaches values \u200b\u200bof 80% sensitivity and 93% specificity
e. All of the above
11) The Denver II test, according Glascoe:
a. Reaches values \u200b\u200bof 83% sensitivity and 43% specificity
b. Shows high rates of false negatives
c. Reduce the consultants requested by pediatricians D.
It is best suited for development screening
e. Neither is correct
12) The lack of recognition of developmental problems are due to: a.
Inability of the pediatrician to detect
b. Deficiencies in the parents
c. Everyday clinical instruments insufficient
d. Installation problems abrupt
e. Neither is correct
13) Trauma in pregnancy: a.
Unrelated to traffic accidents
b. Not related to gender violence
f. May overlap with stab wounds
c. Not related to accidents
d. They are a non-obstetric causes of maternal mortality lower
14) Point out the wrong premise:
a. Traffic accidents and gravity have different effects on mother and fetus as gestational age at the time of the event
b. Injuries are the leading cause of maternal death in many countries nonobstetric
c. As pregnancy progresses the risk of injury increases
d. The pathophysiological response of the pregnant woman is similar to that of nonpregnant women
e. Fetal survival, without exception, depends on the maternal
15) When a pregnant woman suffers a trauma: a.
She is the mother who suffers the consequences
b. The most important sequelae of fetal death is
c. There is a period of up to 25 minutes to remove the dead fetus of a mother with no apparent neurological
d. After the period of 30 minutes to remove the fetus from a dead mother are obvious neurological
e. Neither is correct
16) The fetus against trauma: a.
Fetal vulnerability is a preexisting factor to the accident suffered by the mother
b. An intrauterine growth restriction does not alter the prognosis of a fetus with traumatized mother
c. There is a cause-effect relationship in a simple and direct fetal injury to maternal trauma
d. The fetal shock depends on the presence of maternal shock
e. Maternal obesity decreases the risks of an injury in a pregnant
17) in normal pregnancy: a.
The maternal heart rate can reach over 100 beats per minute
b. Cardiac output can be reduced to 30% by supine
c. A deviation of electrical axis of QRS complex of 15 degrees to the right
d. White blood cells can reach 20.000/mm3 late in the third quarter
e. Estrogens decrease hepatic production of coagulation factors
18) trauma disease: a.
Accident is synonymous
b. Etiology is a signosintomatología identifiable and consistent anatomic alteration
c. It is the third leading cause of death among 1 and 45 d.
Is responsible for 2 of every 3 deaths in children
e. It is endemic in our country officially recognized
19) perinatal trauma disease: a.
Recatalog not per se a high risk pregnancy as
b. Causes a proportional increase in a calculable risk pregnant
c. Pregnancy increases the risk of pre-existing risk-based trauma
d. Should be evaluated in a multidisciplinary
e. Requires a sequential intervention and obstetrician emergentology
20) Point out the incorrect assumption
a. Perinatal trauma disease is associated with preterm delivery
b. The effect of trauma is related to the location and type of injury
c. The lifetime risk of maternal and fetal
exceeds d. Aggressive treatment of breast pathology is essential to the fetus
e. The risk of direct abdominal trauma is lower in pregnancies less than 16 weeks
21) Faced with bleeding in pregnant women: a.
There is tolerance for decreased blood volume can occur in a trauma
b. The fetus is not ready for a decrease in blood volume c.
The loss of blood volume that has no symptoms in pregnant women does not require replacement
d. And b are correct e.
A and c are correct
22) Trauma in pregnancy: a.
Always produce vaginal bleeding
b. Intraabdominal injuries occurred more often than non-pregnant
c. Uterine lesions occur mainly in the first quarter
d. Can cause amniotic fluid embolism
e. Neither is correct
23) Traffic accidents:
a. Are attributable to human failure in 75% of cases b.
Twice as likely to increase the consumption of alcohol before
c. Significantly increased risk with cell phone use while driving
d. Lower the incidence of mortality but not of severity with the use of seat belts
e. All of the above
24) Registration in the PN:
a. Must be made at the time of full recovery B.
Should be independent of the socioeconomic conditions of their environment
c. Must consider the accompanying growth of the child and his family
d. Should refer the child to control other less complex facilities
e. Neither is correct
25) The monitoring program: a.
Is a key objective is the welfare
b. It should not be used for educational purposes
c. Considered high-risk infants when born with 1500 g and gestational age 32 weeks or less
d. Includes the monitoring of high risk infants to 6 years old
e. Decouple follow up with the sending
26) The hindsight bias is: a.
A retrospective evaluation error
b. A prospective evaluation error
c. An artifact of the study
d. none of the above
27) Medvec, and Gilovich studied: a.
b. pregnant
infants d.
Olympians none of the above
28). Has higher taxonomic level diagnosis by:
a. b.
anamesis c. Physical examination
further studies pathological anatomical findings
e. none of the above
29) counterfactual thinking psychologically is characterized by: a.
contrast effects c. opinion or social value
d. all are correct
30) counterfactual thinking can be classified: a.
based on your address
b. based on their structure
c. d. both are correct
Nigun is correct
31) If the infant does not develop hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, the neurological injury (PCI) is secondary to asphyxia in the peripartum period.
a. is very unlikely
b. c. unlikely
indifferent e. likely
is very unlikely
are essential criteria to establish causality of a severe neurological injury (PCI).
a. metabolic acidosis in fetal or neonatal blood (pH < 7 y déficit de base = 12 mmol/L)
b. early onset of moderate to severe neonatal encephalopathy
c. developing a type of cerebral palsy spastic quadriplegia or dyskinetic
d. exclude other possible etiology
e. all are correct
32) The measurement of the vaginal cervix has the following disadvantages: a.
B. It is subjective
There is variability among different observers
c. It is difficult to document
e. All of the above
33) The reliability of a study is higher if your design is: a.
cohort c. Case-control
d. Transverse E.
Case series
34) This review is also posted on the bulletin board ASAP is: a.
b. c. http / /
d. http / /
e. http / /
35) The list of approved perinatal clinical course and program registrants will be published in ASAMATinfo:
a. b. c. http / /
d. http / /
e. http / /
36. The work-feedback as part of the second part of this review will be published in:
a. b. c. http / /
d. http / /
e. http / /
37. Links to all resources on the Internet ASAP can be found at:
a. b. c. http / /
d. http / /
e. http / /
38. ASAP web site is: a.
b. c. http / /
d. http / /
e. http / /
39) If a paper describes a condition of interest, limited to a group of patients and without a set benchmark population:
cohort c. Case-control
d. Transversal
case series 40) The "cesarean on demand were associated with increased neonatal morbidity if performed: a.
before 37 weeks
b. before 38 weeks
c. before 39 weeks
d. before 40 weeks
e. before 41 weeks
Make a comment of her own on one of the following topics:
1. Cesarean on demand,
2. Problems of child development,
3. Traffic accidents and pregnancy,
4. Preterm newborn,
5. Causation in cerebral palsy,
6. Hindsight bias in perinatology,
7. Critical analysis of an article of perinatology at its option,
8. Maternal mortality,
9. Proposals for ASAP and use of Internet,
10. Obstetric professional liability
It will be reviewed by the Court High ASAP and is required to pass the exam as well as answer correctly at least 32 of the 40 questions
- Remember to be specific, not to exceed 300 words of commentary on one of the topics proposed
- submitted preferably in *. txt or written directly into the body of the mail or in *. doc (Word 97)
- submissions are accepted only by e-mail a copy to ar.
- Do not include figures or tables, as text will be published only run, be approved for digital publication in
Assessment Committee: Drs. Marcelo Roldan, and Roberto Santiago Elizalde Cremorte Keklikián
1) Mark the correct option:
a. Mild obesity has a 10 to 20% of overweight
b. Moderate obesity has a 21 to 40% of overweight
c. Moderate obesity presents a 51 to 80% of overweight
d. Moderate obesity has a 41 to 100% of overweight
e. Severe obesity has a 81 to 100% of overweight
2) The children of obese mothers have: a.
Reduced risk of spina bifida
b. Reduced risk of anorectal atresia
c. Reduced risk of limb defects
d. Reduced risk of gastroschisis
e. Neither is correct
3) According to BMI:
a. An index of 10 indicates overweight
b. An index above 25 indicates overweight
c. An index above 30 indicates morbid obesity
d. An index above 10 is normal in adults
e. An index above 18 indicates mild obesity
4) Waller's study of pregnant women associated weight and risk of birth defects found: a.
Increased risk of cleft lip in children of obese
b. Increased risk of hypospadias in children of undernourished mothers
c. Increased risk of omphalocele in infants of obese
d. Increased risk of anencephaly in infants of obese
e. All of the above
5) According to Piaget:
a. Pragmatism appears that the knowledge has to be explored and built by the children's activity
b. Structuralism argues that the construction of knowledge occurs from the subject's actions
c. Pragmatism explains that logical thought must seek its origin recreational activities in the first months of life
d. The theories of Immanuel Kant were wrong
e. Constructivism believes that knowledge is an object without changing the subject receives
6) The intellectual development shows that: a.
Inheritance provides a biological aspect of intelligence
b. The organization of the individual trends change depending on the medium
c. Adaptation can be divided into beats and regulations
d. The accommodation allows an innate organizing environmental data from all species
e. Assimilation reactions of the individual fits the environment
7) One of the following types of intelligence is not among those cited by Howard Gardner:
a. Musical
b. Body kinetic
c. D. Temporary
e. Linguistics
8) Early recognition of developmental problems: a.
Improved treatment response
b. Reduce dropout
c. Decreases the space between births
d. and b are correct e.
All of the above
9) Highlight the correct premise:
a. Many developmental disorders are not apparent in the first years of life
b. The specific detection of these problems require complex high-cost tests
c. The average age of diagnosis these problems is 2.37 years d.
WHO promotes the use of universal screening tests for e.
The most widely used screening test in the U.S. is to Coriat
10) The national screening test: a.
It was built based on the Denver test
b. Evaluate the percentiles 5, 10 º, 25 º, 50 º and 75 º c.
Covers 56 development patterns
d. Reaches values \u200b\u200bof 80% sensitivity and 93% specificity
e. All of the above
11) The Denver II test, according Glascoe:
a. Reaches values \u200b\u200bof 83% sensitivity and 43% specificity
b. Shows high rates of false negatives
c. Reduce the consultants requested by pediatricians D.
It is best suited for development screening
e. Neither is correct
12) The lack of recognition of developmental problems are due to: a.
Inability of the pediatrician to detect
b. Deficiencies in the parents
c. Everyday clinical instruments insufficient
d. Installation problems abrupt
e. Neither is correct
13) Trauma in pregnancy: a.
Unrelated to traffic accidents
b. Not related to gender violence
f. May overlap with stab wounds
c. Not related to accidents
d. They are a non-obstetric causes of maternal mortality lower
14) Point out the wrong premise:
a. Traffic accidents and gravity have different effects on mother and fetus as gestational age at the time of the event
b. Injuries are the leading cause of maternal death in many countries nonobstetric
c. As pregnancy progresses the risk of injury increases
d. The pathophysiological response of the pregnant woman is similar to that of nonpregnant women
e. Fetal survival, without exception, depends on the maternal
15) When a pregnant woman suffers a trauma: a.
She is the mother who suffers the consequences
b. The most important sequelae of fetal death is
c. There is a period of up to 25 minutes to remove the dead fetus of a mother with no apparent neurological
d. After the period of 30 minutes to remove the fetus from a dead mother are obvious neurological
e. Neither is correct
16) The fetus against trauma: a.
Fetal vulnerability is a preexisting factor to the accident suffered by the mother
b. An intrauterine growth restriction does not alter the prognosis of a fetus with traumatized mother
c. There is a cause-effect relationship in a simple and direct fetal injury to maternal trauma
d. The fetal shock depends on the presence of maternal shock
e. Maternal obesity decreases the risks of an injury in a pregnant
17) in normal pregnancy: a.
The maternal heart rate can reach over 100 beats per minute
b. Cardiac output can be reduced to 30% by supine
c. A deviation of electrical axis of QRS complex of 15 degrees to the right
d. White blood cells can reach 20.000/mm3 late in the third quarter
e. Estrogens decrease hepatic production of coagulation factors
18) trauma disease: a.
Accident is synonymous
b. Etiology is a signosintomatología identifiable and consistent anatomic alteration
c. It is the third leading cause of death among 1 and 45 d.
Is responsible for 2 of every 3 deaths in children
e. It is endemic in our country officially recognized
19) perinatal trauma disease: a.
Recatalog not per se a high risk pregnancy as
b. Causes a proportional increase in a calculable risk pregnant
c. Pregnancy increases the risk of pre-existing risk-based trauma
d. Should be evaluated in a multidisciplinary
e. Requires a sequential intervention and obstetrician emergentology
20) Point out the incorrect assumption
a. Perinatal trauma disease is associated with preterm delivery
b. The effect of trauma is related to the location and type of injury
c. The lifetime risk of maternal and fetal
exceeds d. Aggressive treatment of breast pathology is essential to the fetus
e. The risk of direct abdominal trauma is lower in pregnancies less than 16 weeks
21) Faced with bleeding in pregnant women: a.
There is tolerance for decreased blood volume can occur in a trauma
b. The fetus is not ready for a decrease in blood volume c.
The loss of blood volume that has no symptoms in pregnant women does not require replacement
d. And b are correct e.
A and c are correct
22) Trauma in pregnancy: a.
Always produce vaginal bleeding
b. Intraabdominal injuries occurred more often than non-pregnant
c. Uterine lesions occur mainly in the first quarter
d. Can cause amniotic fluid embolism
e. Neither is correct
23) Traffic accidents:
a. Are attributable to human failure in 75% of cases b.
Twice as likely to increase the consumption of alcohol before
c. Significantly increased risk with cell phone use while driving
d. Lower the incidence of mortality but not of severity with the use of seat belts
e. All of the above
24) Registration in the PN:
a. Must be made at the time of full recovery B.
Should be independent of the socioeconomic conditions of their environment
c. Must consider the accompanying growth of the child and his family
d. Should refer the child to control other less complex facilities
e. Neither is correct
25) The monitoring program: a.
Is a key objective is the welfare
b. It should not be used for educational purposes
c. Considered high-risk infants when born with 1500 g and gestational age 32 weeks or less
d. Includes the monitoring of high risk infants to 6 years old
e. Decouple follow up with the sending
26) The hindsight bias is: a.
A retrospective evaluation error
b. A prospective evaluation error
c. An artifact of the study
d. none of the above
27) Medvec, and Gilovich studied: a.
b. pregnant
infants d.
Olympians none of the above
28). Has higher taxonomic level diagnosis by:
a. b.
anamesis c. Physical examination
further studies pathological anatomical findings
e. none of the above
29) counterfactual thinking psychologically is characterized by: a.
contrast effects c. opinion or social value
d. all are correct
30) counterfactual thinking can be classified: a.
based on your address
b. based on their structure
c. d. both are correct
Nigun is correct
31) If the infant does not develop hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, the neurological injury (PCI) is secondary to asphyxia in the peripartum period.
a. is very unlikely
b. c. unlikely
indifferent e. likely
is very unlikely
are essential criteria to establish causality of a severe neurological injury (PCI).
a. metabolic acidosis in fetal or neonatal blood (pH < 7 y déficit de base = 12 mmol/L)
b. early onset of moderate to severe neonatal encephalopathy
c. developing a type of cerebral palsy spastic quadriplegia or dyskinetic
d. exclude other possible etiology
e. all are correct
32) The measurement of the vaginal cervix has the following disadvantages: a.
B. It is subjective
There is variability among different observers
c. It is difficult to document
e. All of the above
33) The reliability of a study is higher if your design is: a.
cohort c. Case-control
d. Transverse E.
Case series
34) This review is also posted on the bulletin board ASAP is: a.
b. c. http / /
d. http / /
e. http / /
35) The list of approved perinatal clinical course and program registrants will be published in ASAMATinfo:
a. b. c. http / /
d. http / /
e. http / /
36. The work-feedback as part of the second part of this review will be published in:
a. b. c. http / /
d. http / /
e. http / /
37. Links to all resources on the Internet ASAP can be found at:
a. b. c. http / /
d. http / /
e. http / /
38. ASAP web site is: a.
b. c. http / /
d. http / /
e. http / /
39) If a paper describes a condition of interest, limited to a group of patients and without a set benchmark population:
cohort c. Case-control
d. Transversal
case series 40) The "cesarean on demand were associated with increased neonatal morbidity if performed: a.
before 37 weeks
b. before 38 weeks
c. before 39 weeks
d. before 40 weeks
e. before 41 weeks
Make a comment of her own on one of the following topics:
1. Cesarean on demand,
2. Problems of child development,
3. Traffic accidents and pregnancy,
4. Preterm newborn,
5. Causation in cerebral palsy,
6. Hindsight bias in perinatology,
7. Critical analysis of an article of perinatology at its option,
8. Maternal mortality,
9. Proposals for ASAP and use of Internet,
10. Obstetric professional liability
It will be reviewed by the Court High ASAP and is required to pass the exam as well as answer correctly at least 32 of the 40 questions
- Remember to be specific, not to exceed 300 words of commentary on one of the topics proposed
- submitted preferably in *. txt or written directly into the body of the mail or in *. doc (Word 97)
- submissions are accepted only by e-mail a copy to ar.
- Do not include figures or tables, as text will be published only run, be approved for digital publication in
Friday, December 11, 2009
Swanston Street Carriage Ride
perinatal 2009 Joint Meeting 2009 in Mar del Plata Sheraton
Programme, images and pictures of the meeting
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