Friday, August 27, 2010

Och I The New Scottisg Saying

"Oregano is one only?

I must admit some confusion when I go through some Dietary and see little signs that say for example "Organic Oregano."

As I learned from my dear Chemistry Chemistry School Otto Krause is divided into Inorganic and Organic. Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon considered, which are the predominant compounds in living organisms. In the case of living organisms and begin to speak of Biological Chemistry.

I looked in a note to Reader Digest something about the term applied to organic foods and found a note from Fernando Pinto interviewing journalist María Calzada. As the note says Ms. Calzada is an absolute precursor on organic food and founder and owner of The Corner Organic "

The paper characterizes organic food according to:

category. Ecological. Biological : life. Three synonyms that describe a production model, a way of doing things, conduct

The journalist asked about the term "organic" and this is the answer:

"This is a production system that applies only to food but also the production of cotton, sustainable forestry, recycling. This process starts with a soil that has absence of any type of chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, synthetic sweeteners, preservatives, additives, preservatives, hormones, growth accelerators, etc. It is a smart production that has taken information from different cultures about how to work the land drawing on the resources available to us today ... However, it is not just putting a seed into the ground, water it and nothing else: If you are not adding anything but neither is payable, is rotated or feeds, the earth will respond again, after a time is exhausted. What makes organic production is to look at what makes the ground-work with the observation, and acts accordingly. "

I understand the concern and care for the way food production but does not seem correct choice of the term. If food is produced this way are "organic" for the name is otherwise produced Oregano: Oregano toxic? Oregano "unnatural? "Oregano Capitalist?

Also can someone tell me: "Well, what matters is not the name but the quality of the product." According
But advocates of natural production usually show no data or analysis that indicate the highest nutrient content of their products. The absence of a pesticide or fertilizer on the growth of an organism does not directly imply an improvement in nutritional quality. Indeed

humanity exhibited a steady increase in life expectancy despite all the preaching against the food of modern societies.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Wooden Sport Bench Plans

FESG Days of Perinatology 2010 NOA NOA

Days conclude with success at the Hospital Materno Infantil de Salta.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Can Brazilian Waxing Give You Uti

Wholesale versus DISINFECTION

all know the mains water should be a water , this means you must be disinfected when it comes to domestic osmosis equipment , but the reality is that not always the case.

One of the largest manufacturers and distributors of osmosis equipment released as domestic novelty in our country, anti bacteria cartridges, as a preliminary to postfilters osmotización and remineralizing and refining antibacterial, as the final phase.

The set of two developments virtually guarantee 100% of the total disinfection of drinking water, though, we must remember that this is already what we should give the water company.

Sediment Cartridge 10''Compact 69mm Ø antibacterial 5μm.
Cartridge Filter Carbon Block and 10''Ø 69mm 5μm.
Cartridge Filter Carbon Block and 10'' Antibacterial Nanosilver 1 micron diameter 69mm.

form a magnificent set of filters to condition the water coming from the network and also have the: Certified by SGS .

These cartridges are larger in diameter than standard cartridges therefore have more surface FILTRATION.

During the production process and packaging, the cartridges are sterilized.
cartridges conform to NSF / ANSI drinking water.

An independent laboratory certifies that the cartridges and materials used are 100% food grade.

Postfilters Online Calcite + Carbon + KDF
to mineralize the water increasing the pH, and reduce chlorine, tastes, smells and heavy metals.

Online Postfilters Nano-Silver (Antibacterial).

Both developments were marked by the most important quality labels in the world to ensure the devices used to treat drinking water.