Monday, February 11, 2008

Flesh Colored Bumps On Palms

Yes, I confess

Yes, I confess: I have killed.
To hide
my crime I got rid of your remains. Under the almond

rest your tears and sonnets

and well with
moonlight threw kisses and caresses. He lit

that you wore in my hair now
scent trails and paths
my garden.

Yes, I confess: I have killed
and your memories, buried.

I loved you and that is enough:
buried was your love
because I did not want my resentment
almond blossom rot.

today is almost a miracle that

can not remember what color your eyes were
or your way of kissing. Raiten

Alcalá de Henares, November 1 , 2007
The flower is a special gift from Claudia de Angelis


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