DAYS OF Perinatologist
Organised by the Hospital Materno Infantil Salta and ASAP
invite you to participate in Salta on 13 and 14 August
FRIDAY August 13, 2010
8.30 am.
Registration 9am-Opening by the authorities of the Maternal and Child Hospital
ASAP Benefits of ASAP partners
9.30 to 10.15 pm. Perinatal situation NOA and Argentina.
Speaker: Dr. Mario del Barco
Secretary: Dra.Susana Marine
10.15 to 10.45 pm Panel Reactive: Nurse Carmen Navarro, Milagros Gomez Obstetrics, Drs. Claudia Moron, Marisa Alvarez, Roberto and Roberto Sanguinetti Keklikian. 10.45 am COFFEE
Dead Lecturer: Dr. Roberto Sanguinetti
Secretary: Monica Gelsi
Panel Reactive: Nurse Asunción Flores, Sandra Martinez Obstetrics, Drs. Adriana Falco, Alejandro Toledo and Roberto Keklkian. Lunch 12am
14.30 hs. Prenatal genetic diagnosis.
Speaker: Dr. Silvia de la Fuente
Secretary: Dra.Ana Marcuzzi
15.15 hs neonatal resuscitation in special situations
Speaker: Dr. Etelvina Soria
Secretary:. Dr. Lucrecia Pérez
16.15 to 17 hs Roads End in pregnancies with malformations incompatible with life. Legal protection.
Speaker: Dr. Roberto Keklikian
Secretary: Dr. Carlos Rivadeo
Reagent Panel: Drs. Mario del Barco, Sara Herrera, Cecilia Caesar, Marisa Figueroa and Marcelo Alvarez.
SATURDAY August 14
9.15 to 10am. Cesarean Section on Demand
Speaker: Roberto Sanguinetti
Secretary: Dr. Luis Navarro
Reagent Panel: Drs. Fernando Basso / Karina Gianello, Cesar Diaz, Delford Granados, Mario Morosini, and Cristina Sanchez Wilde.
10.30 10.15 Coffee
Speaker: Dr. Roberto Keklikian
Secretary: Dr. Adriana Falco.
reagent Panel: Drs. Aldo Luis Reyes
Pintrava and
12am. Closure of the Conference and presentation of certificates
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