The world of environmental engineering is highly compartmentalized, with each specialty removes contaminants object and purpose of their work and waste product of this work, which of course are pollutants, become accountability of another working group.
Basically this is the Engineering Project has won the first prize of Final Project of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Our most sincere congratulations to the winners.
Author: María José Facundo Lujan
Author: María José Facundo Lujan
Directors: Jose Antonio Mendoza Rocay Amparo Bes Piá
The issue: the minimization of sludge production in the treatment of urban wastewater.
are all aware of the proliferation of systems for urban wastewater reclamation by the method of total oxidation or activated sludge. And the main problem: the high production of sludge from these plants, which must pass solid waste department.
The Universadad, together with the Valencian Government to funded and worked with a group of private companies that have put their experience, technology and knowledge to serve the young researcher and mentor of the project.
Led by FACS Gimeno Group company, a leader in what they themselves call the Water Cycle.
As promoter of the idea.
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And technologies developed by Hydro Water Ltd., a specialist in MBR (flat membrane bioreactors) has built in this factory, a pilot plant with which it has proved all the theoretical assumptions. And we sum up in two.
With the MBR reduce sludge production by 40%
With Ozonation, controlled return of sludge reduce sludge production by 60%
Our most sincere congratulations to all involved in this project.
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