Saturday, December 25, 2010

Two Tone Hair Blonde And Brown

Dr. James R. Mattoon: Thank you for your example and love of life!

Dr. Mattoon was my director of External Fellowship in Colorado Springs.
A great example as a scientist and citizen.
died yesterday after five days of coma.
share the message of his son Tom.

Hello Wendy and Carlos.

This is Jim's son Tom.
It is with a very heavy heart That I inform you of my father's death early Christmas Eve. I finally lost His Battle Against Cancer after 5 days in a deep coma. My father always spoke so Highly of Both of you. And often. I hope you know how much I Appreciated your working Both Relationships as well as your Friendships. As Such, I am forever grateful to you for the Same.
Thank you so much for all you Have Done for my dad over the years.
Best, Tom

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Materiality Calculator

Education and Neglect

In the years I've been teaching in the Faculty of Medicine (UBA) have seen a steady deterioration of education.
The building is a disaster. You do not have gas connection is complete. Biochemistry
Our classroom is one of the worst. They have a blackboard covered with tiles that were erected in the middle of the room. Projectors do not work or have PC for use with the guns. Centuries ago there is no money to do practical work. All positions are temporary, why no one is assured of nothing. Less if protest.

member of the guild I'm teaching (AGD). If I do not share many of his leftist positions I think are honest. However, little has been done to prevent this decline minimally.

If you can be teaching all this in the future is:
is important that buildings and classrooms are healthy. No old paint or plaster on the floor. Classrooms
clean. Adequate lighting. To deal with petty cash expenses. Constant maintenance.

tend to think that a request is frivolous is clean and it is not. Many people left
think to ask housekeeping to be a repressor.
Not so.
The order is embedded in our lives.
Amino acids are arranged in a protein more than if they were loose. With that they fulfill their function.
deny the importance of order and hygiene is beginning to undermine useful tools for any project.
Like it or not there are ideological positions that end up defending the mess and dirt.

A school with shack features indicates a disregard for the purpose of the institution.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rabbits And Dandelions

SL WATER HYDRO solve the water processing Septic Tank Against Crisis

Despite WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Wastewater) many areas around the WWTP, still using the septic tank as a solution to your wastewater, these pits are emptied periodically by truck and then poured primary content of the WWTP, but the truck loading process are introduced stones, branches, and generally thick and sand that later hampered the smooth operation of the WWTP.
Hydro Water SL ., And its Division of Waste Ultrapure Tech. Present a simple and effective solution.

Unit acceptance of wastewater is a system designed to receive and treat pre mechanically, effluent from septic tanks, with a single compact unit.

The sludge discharged from tanker trucks are filtered to remove large particles, the sand is sedimented and washed.
Effluent are then downloaded into the biological treatment plant wastewater.

We can see from the photos, details below load units (3) in the manufacturing facilities of Hydro Water, SL


pipe trucks are attached to the unit via a flexible hose and fastened with staples DN100 through a quick connect ball. Thick and solid particles present in the waste are captured and removed by the screw fine sieve admission. The screw removed and compact ta screened particles before discharge. Throughout the transport section is installed a washing system consisting of a set of sprinklers spraying pressurized water into the sieve. wash system eliminates the fecal material of the particles screened by downloading a pure solid that can be poured in a controlled manner without the presence of odor or leakage. in the download is installed integrated compactor reduces the volume of particles sifted up to 50%. Once sludge have been screened, they enter the ventilated sedimentation tank where the sand settles to the bottom of the tank and the organic material is maintained in suspension by air injection. Air bubbles can remove coarse sand and sand separation with a reduced organic content. The extraction screw removed and unloading sand into the container of sand.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I Stay Barefoot By Cold Weather

I + D + i; example of partnership government, universities and private companies become TRIOZON

The world of environmental engineering is highly compartmentalized, with each specialty removes contaminants object and purpose of their work and waste product of this work, which of course are pollutants, become accountability of another working group.

Basically this is the Engineering Project has won the first prize of Final Project of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Our most sincere congratulations to the winners.

Author: María José Facundo Lujan
Directors: Jose Antonio Mendoza Rocay Amparo Bes Piá
The issue: the minimization of sludge production in the treatment of urban wastewater.

are all aware of the proliferation of systems for urban wastewater reclamation by the method of total oxidation or activated sludge. And the main problem: the high production of sludge from these plants, which must pass solid waste department.

The Universadad, together with the Valencian Government to funded and worked with a group of private companies that have put their experience, technology and knowledge to serve the young researcher and mentor of the project.

Led by FACS Gimeno Group company, a leader in what they themselves call the Water Cycle.
As promoter of the idea.

And technologies developed by Hydro Water Ltd., a specialist in MBR (flat membrane bioreactors) has built in this factory, a pilot plant with which it has proved all the theoretical assumptions. And we sum up in two.

With the MBR reduce sludge production by 40%

With Ozonation, controlled return of sludge reduce sludge production by 60%

Our most sincere congratulations to all involved in this project.

Full Text PDF