Sunday, August 30, 2009

Does Citrus Cause Phlegm

captured in Mexico

Run a video allegedly captured a TE in a trap for animals. What appears to be in the video is a creature with human form but very small. Some scientists say that if true, could be a hybrid between human beings and some other creature. This could be the result of genetic experiments? Judge for yourself the video ... Video

By: we do not know
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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Dizeres De Incentivo Em Ingles

Alien Planet Discovery "Giant" outside our Solar System Trivia

The British journal "Nature" published on Thursday 27 August a new discovery outside our solar system. This is a new planet, all this compared to others is a giant.

The planet called WASP-18b has a volume 10 times larger than Jupiter and orbits very close to its parent star, is one of the planets called "hot Jupiters." The orbit so close and should have destroyed the planet by stellar streams that must have been colliding with the star. According to a group of astronomers from the University of Keele in the UK, this should have already passed, but it is not. Planets like this are not very long lived, not spend a million years, say experts.

One reason could be that the ripples are not strong enough to drag the planet to its star and one that can be another exogenous factor that impedes the clash between these two celestial bodies. Still not published a picture on the giant planet.

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Tongue Bacterial Infections

Wild World

video of a wild animal, in this case a lion named Christian by their owners who raised him since he was a puppy after being freed his natural environment, there comes a time to reconnect with those humans who saw him grow. That time is amazing. Video

By: we do not know
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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Milena Velba Drawing Lesson

find traces of the "Yeti"

In the region of the Himalayas between Tibet and Nepal say they have found traces which may belong to the famous "Yeti".
On Monday, a Japanese group said the footprints were found about 20 inches long and resembled those of humans. Yoshiteru Takahashi is the leader of the Yeti Project Japan and spoke to AFP on their findings after having returned with the expedition group to try to find traces of the mystical half-ape and ad mit human.

In the past, say they have seen other signs that claim to be of the "Yeti". For example, in the summit Dhaulagiri IV of 7.661 meters high. The group said he was convinced that these footprints are credible and who know them apart when they belong to another type of animal.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fingers On My Right Hand Go White

Ufology meetings at Mount Montserrat

Hundreds of people gather in the Montserrat mountain in Catalonia for allegedly contacting with extraterrestrial life. This is a place where it is said that a lot of UFO activity. Here I present a picture of one of these meetings.

Ufologist José Luis Griffin is in charge of these meetings, which are held every day 11 of each month. These meetings are taking place for 30 years, where he discovered ufologist this place was a special place to spot this type of event.

According to Mr. Griffin, the vast majority of the time "something happens", where many people's experiences describe them as "cannon flashing light" or "flash of light" as if they were big lights that turn on and off. The witness called Joan Soler, says these facts saying they can not be either planes or other ships known as the light is very intense and are called UFOs who do these signals. People who come to these meetings I spend many hours trying to do something for them to be signs of extraterrestrial life.

For them one of the most important contacted by aliens is the president of the United States Barack Obama, by virtue of their intelligence and political skills and power of persuasion to the other top world leaders.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How To Conceal A Tongue Ring

plan to convert chicken dinosaurs

A scientific study of the search for fossils, is planning to genetically engineer chickens to develop prehistoric features. Would be that the birds grow with some aspects of the last dinosaurs.

Hans Larsson is a paleontologist who on Tuesday announced the project to be funded by the National Geographic group científcos Canadians with the support of fellow paleontologist Jack Horner, who was an advisor for the film "Jurassic Park."

The project is in its early stages, the goal would be to illustrate the evolution of these prehistoric animals, "said Hans Larsson. With this he would show that birds are direct descendants of the dinosaurs evoloción. The scientist has over 10 years studying the evolution of birds.
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Monday, August 24, 2009

Down Free Mathematica 5.2 For Students

find seventeenth-century ship submerged

A seventeenth-century ship was found to 43 meters water depth in the Baltic sea in Sweden. The discovery was made by the Swedish oceanographer with peers Hadra Markus Jonas Bäckström and Anders Rydin.

is a Dutch vessel such as "flute" which dates from 1600. The finding was by chance last May when one day he jumped into the sea and saw the galleon, says the oceanographer.

The ship has cannons, figureheads, three masts, boxes, helmets, coins, tables, bowls, jugs, vases, weapons and other objects of his time who have remained in isolation for so long. Also at the stern has a lion's head, so I named it the "Lejonvraket" for that description.

is believed may have been a commercial vessel from Amsterdam to Stockholm because the model is typical of the era and its design and construction without a doubt the Netherlands.

For more information can be found in Video

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ship Brokerage Course

"UFO beaming" in Junín

A citizen who took a picture of the wake of a plane, apparently also caught an unidentified object that could be classified as a UFO, according to a scientist Blog ( The photo was taken by Juan "Mono" Shanahan in Junín, Argentina. The right photo was taken and the analysis.

Under Blog, the photo shows a "UFO Radiant." This means that the object emits visible light, IR and UV.

According to analysts of the image, "is difficult to determine the shape of the UFO and has its own light and emitted from all surfaces in the visible light spectrum, infrared and ultraviolet, with a power component that saturates the registration color camera. "

"This type of UFO, when it occurs at night is the flash and dazzle, especially when they travel slower. This example is really rare or hard to find during the day, not because they are but for their ability blend into the sky, "reported experts.

When taking the photo, the sun was reflected in the wake left by the plane at 12,000 feet, is also expected to be reflected in the unidentified flying object, but the tests were made to photos did not give any trace of the mirror is displaced by the motion of the object, resulting in the conclusion that emitted its own light.

Since the proportions and height differences between the aircraft and the unidentified object, the two objects could be the same size, according to scientists who studied the case.

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Catchy Phrases Invitation

Silhouette unknown at the beach

photographed on the beach Supposedly a figure that reflects like a person or a ghost.

One night Charlene and Scott Arthur took a photograph of his two daughters, Courtney and Elise of 12 and 5 years respectively. The photo was taken next to a bonfire on the beach in South Beach on a summer night.

They allege that when they took the picture, did not notice anything strange. But when I checked the photos on your camera noticed something strange in the picture. The attached photo article is the alleged picture taken that night.

The girls say they see in the picture a kind of soladado to Scott only is the smoke from the fire that is the strange silhouette.

The Herald newspaper, journalist Fiona Simpson went searching for information about these assumptions fantamas the beach and found surprising results that can be searched at the website of the newspaper.

Source: Blog Esencia21
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Thursday, August 20, 2009

What Does Due Diligence Mean

False! The two "moons" on August 27, 2009

This ran a rumor on the Internet and other means, that the planet Mars will have a special approach to Earth this coming August 27, 2009.

The rumor says, "The International Planetarium in Vancouver British Columbia Canada, have calculated the accuracy will be orbiting Mars on 27-08-2009. But the most interesting of all is that this was predicted in a Maya codex found in the pyramid next to the Star Centre in Palenque in Chiapas Mexico. With this mathematical calculation Maya Maya are now regarded as the Greeks of America and Pride Mexico. At least four or five generations of humanity will not see this natural phenomenon. Very few people know by now, this was posted on Monday, May 11, 2009. Do this move two moons in the sky, on August 27 at midnight and 30 minutes, looking at the sky on Mars is the brightest star in the sky, will be as large as the full moon. Mars will be 55.75 million miles from Earth. Do not miss it. It will be like if Earth had two moons. The next time this event occurs, is planned for 2287. Share this information. No one alive can see him again. "This is totally false.
First, the International Planetarium in Vancouver British Columbia Canada, does not exist. Second on that date Mars will be in heaven. Will be 250 million km from Earth and will not appear in the sky that night.

In 2003, on 27 August Mars approached Earth at 56 million miles closer is when esuvo of us in 60,000 years. It was when this whole rumor started on the internet of the proximity of the red planet to our Earth, NASA reported on its news blog in English.

So gentlemen, do not believe everything you read on the internet, corroborating the information provided to avoid such confusion.
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Names Of The Boats Columbus Sailed With

The world's most muscular dog

is really
a dog, and called Wendy. She has a genetic disorder that makes it more muscular than normal. The attached photo is Wendy.

has an extraordinary strength. His appearance is very intimidating, but that's not reality. Wendy is a very quiet and friendly dog \u200b\u200bsays her owner Ingrid Hansen, who is very happy with your pet.

The dog who is 4 years old weighs twice normal. For the genetic disease that has, is expected to Wendy live less time than would be expected of a normal dog race. She suffers from a mutation of the myostatin protein, which is in charge of limiting muscle in the body.

The owner hopes that the time left to live will be one very happy.
By: we do not know
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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dip Switch Litex Ceiling Fan

Earn Hurricane forces Bill

Hurricane Bill becomes the first to reach category 4 in 2009 and the Atlantic. The atmospheric phenomenon alacanzó winds of 135 mph (215 kph) with higher gusts on Wednesday August 19, 2009. A satellite photo of Hurricane Bill is seen in the news.

is a large hurricane, its hurricane force winds extend 80 miles (130km) from its center and tropical storm force up to 175 miles (80 km), according to the National Hurricane Center.

The hurricane was moving westward northwest at 18 mph (30 kmph) and then expect a gradual turn toward the north northeast.

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Unit Plus-ii Regularhow To Withdraw

Apophis Asteroid

Of the approximately 800 objects registered as potentially dangerous, there is one that is particularly worrying, the asteroid Apophis. This is a large object between 250 and 400 m in length that reach the Earth by 2029. Although not fully clash, would so close that could produce large damage. Is at level 4 of the Torino scale.

This comet will pass so close to Earth that would border the orbit where communications satellites aligned as 36.000 km in height. The last remaining collision risk estimates for that year, but 7 years later would increase the risk of collision.

Apophis is the name you put the asteroid discoverers in 2004. It is the Greek name of Egyptian demon Apep, who represented chaos and attacked Ra (Sun God), causing a solar eclipse.

the asteroid's approach was being worked on NEODyS system, a surveillance system for close celestial objects to Earth. According to Maria Eugenia Sansaturio mathematics, the asteroid will pass on 13 April del 2029 to 38.000 km from the center of the Earth. In 2036, because of its proximity in 2029, the crash risk increases to 1 in 50,000.

The asteroid has an orbit similar to Earth, why is the Earth periodically. So it will be in 2013 and 2021. If the asteroid hits the Earth, would produce great harm to the local level, affect the climate and create tsunamis after the impact.

will have to wait and see what happens ...


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What To Do When You Drink Listerine

UFOs in Peru

In Tacna have been reported some UFO sightings by residents of the region.
The people are described as bright, round objects. The attached photo is one of the rare footage taken from the event.

Peru's Air Force report that there is no report on unidentified flying objects in the airspace.

media site that can be expressed sighting of the planet Jupiter and its moons. The locals are waiting for a logical explanation of the facts. Video

Source: Blog Esencia21
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Monday, August 17, 2009

Relic Of Eternity Egypt-sims3

Man in the Moon

40 years after the first man on the moon, still discussing the possible evasion of this fact. Will there really gotten the man to the moon? Here is a video in two parts on the subject. Reach their own conclusions. Videos

By: we do not know
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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Kates Playground Deformed

The H1N1 virus (swine)

La Fiebre Porcina es la nueva pandemia del 2009 causada por el virus AH1N1. Ésta es una descripción del virus en que la letra A designa la familia de los virus de la gripe humana y de la de algunos animales como cerdos y aves y las letras H y N (Hemaglutininas y Neuraminidases) corresponden a las proteínas.

El origen de la infección es una variante de la cepa H1N1 con material genético proveniente de una cepa aviaria, dos cepas porcinas y una humana que sufrió una mutación y dio un salto entre especies (o heterocontagio) de los cerdos a los humanos, y contagiándose de persona a persona.

On June 11, 2009 the World Health Organization (WHO) classified as alert level six, ie, ongoing pandemic involving the community level outbreaks. This level of alert does not define the severity of disease caused by the virus, but its geographical range. The fatality rate of the disease was initially high, has become low at the start of antiviral treatment that is sensitive, however, the future evolution of the virus is unpredictable.

The symptoms of this new virus of H1N1 influenza in humans are similar to the symptoms of seasonal flu. Include high fever (38 and 40 degrees), dry cough, recurrent sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue, eye pain, loss of appetite, difficulty breathing and shortness of breath. A significant number of people infected with this virus have also been reported vomiting and diarrhea.

Regarding treatment with antiviral drugs, WHO has indicated the usefulness of zanamivir (by inhalation) and oseltamivir (oral treatment) as an effective treatment, considering that the latter resistant case is isolated "and" no health implications public. On the other hand, the virus has been shown to be resistant to inhibitors such as amantadine and rimantadine.

To prevent the flu, follow these measures: Avoid direct contact with sick or have fever and cough, wash hands with soap and warm water between 10 and 20 seconds frequently, wash well between the toes, and finally the pulse or wrist (alternatively, you can use alcohol gel or liquid to disinfect), try not to touch the mouth, nose and / or eyes, ventilate the inhabited places, cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or cough with a tissue or, if he had, with the elbow crease and wear masks or masks (recommended only in a public setting or in proximity to infected), remembering that have a specific time of use.
Article: we do not know
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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Wrapping Paper For 1st Birthday

Tropical Storm is coming to the Caribbean

Tropical Storm Ana continues to move westward so much closer to the Caribbean , according to the National Hurricane Center in its report from 11pm on Saturday August 15, 2009. The phenomenon is due to the Caribbean atamosférico but no building, they said.

At 11 pm, Tropical Storm Ana was located at latitude 14.4 north and longitude 51.5 west with sustained winds of 40 mph (65 kmph). Tropical storm winds extended out of place 70 miles (110 km). It is moving westward at a rate of 17 mph (28 kph) and expected a gradual turn toward the west-northwest over the next two days.

A tropical storm watch was issued for British Virgin Islands U.S. Virgin Islands.

National Hurricane Center reports that must keep track of everything that happens in this atmospheric phenomenon this may cause a change in his career.
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Friday, August 14, 2009

Pokemon Deluge Cheats Lk

What we know of Facebook

According to experts, Facebook web site would be attacking the privacy of users of this website.

When Facebook had problems to make public the actions of users of the site, Facebook decided to make this function choice among new users or new entrants to the web had the opportunity to decide if they wanted their actions or acquisitions of users would be open or not.

interesting thing is that no matter if the user decides to make public or private actions, all these are stored on Facebook servers and stores all user actions.

Facebook Beacon system continues to receive user information regardless of whether it is private or public is at the option of the participant of the web, reports Stefan Berteau, an expert on searches for Computer Associates.

most important thing is that Facebook still receives the user information even though they are not connected to the website, or if use the site as a browser to other websites. Facebook is kept informed of all user actions although not published to other users of the site, this means a user's browsing habits despite not give permission to the site for this information. The creator of Facebook had their private information released to other users (how ironic right?).

Then, it is worth being a Facebook user? You decide.

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Milena Velba Single Party Filesconic

Livestock maimed in Argentina

in Argentina have reported a series of cattle mutilations. These animals had excision of the eyes, removal of the anus, excision of the udders and sexual organs and other organs and sometimes presents the extraction of skin at the neck and head. Besides this, the animals show no signs of violence and no blood.

In 2001 and 2002, when he also took this series of events, some people said they had seen a series of lights hovering in the sky. Interesting is also the case that these cases had disappeared in the pond water which was stored about 50 thousand liters of liquid.

authorities have been unable to explain the facts.


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Use Of Expired Whitening Gel

Storsjöodjuret New images of sightings in Sweden

have revealed new images of Storsjöodjuret or also known as Storsie, Storsjön lake monster course in Sweden. The assumption aquatic animal is a creature described as about 6 feet long like a reptile with wings and some people say has some bumps. The next image set, is the alleged filming of the "monster."

television station in Sweden, according to a video course taken in the lake "monster" that creates new speculation about his existence. Images taken in August 2008, where you see a blurry image of the alleged animal moving in the depths of the lake. We found a blurred silhouette long but no one knows for sure what you see in the video (as always in these cases), but for many people who know the area could be very revealing. The cameras were placed at the depth of the lake.

A member of the research team said that what is seen in the video is really an animal, because if it were not so thermal imaging cameras were unable to grasp. But was left between that which can be any other known animal species in the lake. If more information is let them know. Video:
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C0000005 Premiere Pro

"mermaids" in Israel

ah In Israel unleashed a controversy over a series of sightings of "Sirens" on the coast, denouncing the council of the municipality of Kiryat Yam. This has led to the authorities have offered up to a million dollars a true test of the existence of these mystical creatures.

People who say they witnessed these sightings, described the "sirens" as a girl's body half and half fish. Natti council spokesman Zilberman, ah said that dozens of people who supposedly have seen these "mermaids" and are quite sure what they have seen, but leaving the suspicion that they are confusing what they see with other animals region, for example, dolphins, (which is possible in my opinion). It

groups of people gather at dusk, when it is said that these creatures are visible. People possibly with the news of the million-dollar reward, take their cameras to take the best photograph to prove its existence.

In my opinion on this story are two possible explanations: One, this is more than an invention of the authorities in order to attract tourism to the region (which does seem to lack good) and second only are confusing the public, (which believe they have seen a "mermaid"), other possible animals in the region. If there is any other information about this rare and controversial case of "Sirens" I shall send you the information.

Source: Blog Esencia21
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Bowel Movements After Right Hemicolectomy

New crop circle in England

This is the new crop circles appeared in West Overton, Lockeridge Wiltshire, England. Appeared on August 9, 2009. As you can see is designed in three circles linked together with a series of lines perpendicular to these and other smaller circles in the center.

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