Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Unit Plus-ii Regularhow To Withdraw

Apophis Asteroid

Of the approximately 800 objects registered as potentially dangerous, there is one that is particularly worrying, the asteroid Apophis. This is a large object between 250 and 400 m in length that reach the Earth by 2029. Although not fully clash, would so close that could produce large damage. Is at level 4 of the Torino scale.

This comet will pass so close to Earth that would border the orbit where communications satellites aligned as 36.000 km in height. The last remaining collision risk estimates for that year, but 7 years later would increase the risk of collision.

Apophis is the name you put the asteroid discoverers in 2004. It is the Greek name of Egyptian demon Apep, who represented chaos and attacked Ra (Sun God), causing a solar eclipse.

the asteroid's approach was being worked on NEODyS system, a surveillance system for close celestial objects to Earth. According to Maria Eugenia Sansaturio mathematics, the asteroid will pass on 13 April del 2029 to 38.000 km from the center of the Earth. In 2036, because of its proximity in 2029, the crash risk increases to 1 in 50,000.

The asteroid has an orbit similar to Earth, why is the Earth periodically. So it will be in 2013 and 2021. If the asteroid hits the Earth, would produce great harm to the local level, affect the climate and create tsunamis after the impact.

will have to wait and see what happens ...

Source: elpais.com

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