Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fingers On My Right Hand Go White

Ufology meetings at Mount Montserrat

Hundreds of people gather in the Montserrat mountain in Catalonia for allegedly contacting with extraterrestrial life. This is a place where it is said that a lot of UFO activity. Here I present a picture of one of these meetings.

Ufologist José Luis Griffin is in charge of these meetings, which are held every day 11 of each month. These meetings are taking place for 30 years, where he discovered ufologist this place was a special place to spot this type of event.

According to Mr. Griffin, the vast majority of the time "something happens", where many people's experiences describe them as "cannon flashing light" or "flash of light" as if they were big lights that turn on and off. The witness called Joan Soler, says these facts saying they can not be either planes or other ships known as the light is very intense and are called UFOs who do these signals. People who come to these meetings I spend many hours trying to do something for them to be signs of extraterrestrial life.

For them one of the most important contacted by aliens is the president of the United States Barack Obama, by virtue of their intelligence and political skills and power of persuasion to the other top world leaders.
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