La Fiebre Porcina es la nueva pandemia del 2009 causada por el virus AH1N1. Ésta es una descripción del virus en que la letra A designa la familia de los virus de la gripe humana y de la de algunos animales como cerdos y aves y las letras H y N (Hemaglutininas y Neuraminidases) corresponden a las proteínas.
El origen de la infección es una variante de la cepa H1N1 con material genético proveniente de una cepa aviaria, dos cepas porcinas y una humana que sufrió una mutación y dio un salto entre especies (o heterocontagio) de los cerdos a los humanos, y contagiándose de persona a persona.
On June 11, 2009 the World Health Organization (WHO) classified as alert level six, ie, ongoing pandemic involving the community level outbreaks. This level of alert does not define the severity of disease caused by the virus, but its geographical range. The fatality rate of the disease was initially high, has become low at the start of antiviral treatment that is sensitive, however, the future evolution of the virus is unpredictable.
The symptoms of this new virus of H1N1 influenza in humans are similar to the symptoms of seasonal flu. Include high fever (38 and 40 degrees), dry cough, recurrent sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue, eye pain, loss of appetite, difficulty breathing and shortness of breath. A significant number of people infected with this virus have also been reported vomiting and diarrhea.
Regarding treatment with antiviral drugs, WHO has indicated the usefulness of zanamivir (by inhalation) and oseltamivir (oral treatment) as an effective treatment, considering that the latter resistant case is isolated "and" no health implications public. On the other hand, the virus has been shown to be resistant to inhibitors such as amantadine and rimantadine.
To prevent the flu, follow these measures: Avoid direct contact with sick or have fever and cough, wash hands with soap and warm water between 10 and 20 seconds frequently, wash well between the toes, and finally the pulse or wrist (alternatively, you can use alcohol gel or liquid to disinfect), try not to touch the mouth, nose and / or eyes, ventilate the inhabited places, cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or cough with a tissue or, if he had, with the elbow crease and wear masks or masks (recommended only in a public setting or in proximity to infected), remembering that have a specific time of use.
Article: we do not know
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