Friday, August 14, 2009

C0000005 Premiere Pro

"mermaids" in Israel

ah In Israel unleashed a controversy over a series of sightings of "Sirens" on the coast, denouncing the council of the municipality of Kiryat Yam. This has led to the authorities have offered up to a million dollars a true test of the existence of these mystical creatures.

People who say they witnessed these sightings, described the "sirens" as a girl's body half and half fish. Natti council spokesman Zilberman, ah said that dozens of people who supposedly have seen these "mermaids" and are quite sure what they have seen, but leaving the suspicion that they are confusing what they see with other animals region, for example, dolphins, (which is possible in my opinion). It

groups of people gather at dusk, when it is said that these creatures are visible. People possibly with the news of the million-dollar reward, take their cameras to take the best photograph to prove its existence.

In my opinion on this story are two possible explanations: One, this is more than an invention of the authorities in order to attract tourism to the region (which does seem to lack good) and second only are confusing the public, (which believe they have seen a "mermaid"), other possible animals in the region. If there is any other information about this rare and controversial case of "Sirens" I shall send you the information.

Source: Blog Esencia21
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