Monday, April 19, 2010

Angela Pitts Skins. Be


The Legionella bacteria is a relatively recent and is discovered and typifies the decade of the 70. Appears as a contaminant in air conditioning ducts and produces respiratory diseases that can even cause death, and indeed it has.

As long as the scientific world is facing something new it relates, similarities, with a little known until it is possible to categorize them, in this case and because the clinical picture presented by people infected with this bacteria was associated with processes pneumonic and said it was an "atypical pneumonia ."

for their development and their playback environment is similar to Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus Aureus , bacteria causing almost all of "hospital diseases" or "Air Conditioning" both are highly contagious and producing respiratory diseases and other types, but are less dangerous than Legionella.

have to say from the outset that all infections caused by these three bacteria are well established and a treatment that cures the disease, the problem is that often "attack" people with defenses low immune , for various reasons: age, recovering from another illness, surgery, etc ...

There are few studies on Legionella , but enough so that it is well established that only "active" in the sense of cause respiratory diseases when it is in the air we breathe . However, their natural breeding habitat are waters, especially those with stagnant or recirculating little input of fresh water.

have occurred appear Legionella in drinking water for cities and have been for quite some time in the water without any problems, but is normally found in water Systems Cooling Towers Cooling or Air Conditioning , public fountains, boilers, etc.

is a mesophilic bacteria, which requires temperatures of "warm" water for growth. Obviously, if there is Legionella in water drinking or not there is a major failure in the disinfection of the water.

At this point, and with current knowledge, we can say that the Legionella in the water is "safe" for humans, but we must state that the mere presence of bacteria such as Legionella in water make it undrinkable, and that certainly will be other bacteria pathogenic to humans in the water, we face a failure disinfection system.

is necessary that the Legionella bacteria known as air passes and is usually made in the form of aerosols from contaminated water, these aerosols are typical of the cooling towers of the shower, sources with jets atomizing the water, etc.

Once the bacteria is in the air with a carrying vehicle as water droplet is introduced into air conditioning ducts, in which is an excellent "feel" for their survival and proliferation, especially when we are dealing with large air conditioning systems with hundreds of meters of pipes especially fiberglass, as the metal is more difficult to proliferate any kind of pollution, habitat for obvious reasons.

In many installations the air conditioning outlets "clean" renewal are in the same roof as the cooling towers water system, which the bacteria pass from water to air is a matter of time, with the failure of water disinfection.

But can not always be the case, there are occurrences of the disease without an apparent cause that relates to air conditioning systems, recent studies have shown that under certain atmospheric conditions (inversion ) may be cases in remote areas point of contact and that the bacteria may travel in ambient air carried by the mainstream air.

To summarize a bit, it is necessary that the bacteria has been developed in the water, its temperature is "warm" the air has high relative humidity, infected people have low natural defenses for any medical reason, etc..

For all these reasons, since its first appearance, have not been many cases in the world, but we must assume also a great reality: every day proliferate cases and always causes death.

The laws of the different municipalities, regional and national governments are completely out of sync with this problem, in fact, often read press articles that demonstrates the absolute lack of criteria for health and scientific authorities on this subject .

is clear that maintaining disinfection of any water flow will prevent the presence of the bacteria and others.

And if they are maintained air conditioning ducts cleaned and disinfected be insured twice, the lack of emergence of this problem. We

years using our system of ozonation in the treatment of these flows of water and the injection of ozone in the air conditioning ducts, with this we will ensure the absence of:

Legionella Pseudomonas Staphylococcus

All of them , very harmful bacteria to humans, other documents published by us and have done studies action and destruction of such contaminants by our ozone systems.


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