Saturday, April 17, 2010

[ppt] Future & Option

The hydrologic cycle and natural waters Water Pollutants

The natural waters always contain impurities, including water from rain theoretically pure, since the process of evaporation is a purifying process , but in his fall as rain, polluted air and starts going through the process pollution and, under the terrain where it falls also vary their " pollution."

Rainwater is saturated with oxygen , nitrogen and carbon dioxide and is generally slightly acidic.

If the groundwater remain long contact with the CaCO3 Calcite and Dolomite CO3Ca . Mg lead to an increase in calcium, magnesium and bicarbonates.

The aluminosilicates increase the concentrations of sodium, magnesium, calcium and silica .

If it matches that much gypsum and anhydrite are based mineral sulfates , they can do to dominate the sulfate ion on bicarbonate ion, but that's not normal.

surface waters are much more exposed to pollution from human activity and contain, in addition to organic matter, all kinds of products industrial or agricultural origin.


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