has been said and written about the goodness and necessity of using ozone processes of air and water decontamination and in the process of deodorization in general much less has been written on toxicity but there is also a bibliography on this topic. This has led several advanced countries to establish terms and within minimum and maximum human exposure to low concentrations of ozone and could be toxic at high concentrations and prolonged exposure periods, it really could say the same oxygen and gas is vital for humans. Today is no longer discussed at the congresses of ozone on whether or not to use in deodorization, but that the concentration ranges act on that smell and what are the maximum allowable concentration and is undisputed as the best disinfectant in water facilities drinking.
In general, chemical bibliographies, speaking of ozone toxicity concepts are mixed with solid and liquid states of ozone , states that virtually never used and which, like almost all gases, including oxygen , are toxic and lethal.
But in a gaseous state that is how it is used for decontamination, disinfection and deodorizing air and water, their toxicity depends on the concentration ozone (O3) in the air we breathe. We stress that also occurs with oxygen and many other gases and chemicals that depending on the amount or concentration you breathe is beneficial or detrimental to health.
The growing interest in using ozone in environmental decontamination made in the 79 Congress of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers , March 1975, the adoption of the following table:
TRACE 0.5 to 1 1 to 2
DEFINED 1 to 3 from 2 to 6
5 to 10 10 to 20
And here
born the golden rules of environmental ozonation:
As proof in the above table, a well ozonized is one in which almost no smell of ozone. Stoking
, set at 1,965 as the maximum permissible value from 1.5 to 2 ppm and the limit allowed for continuous environments occupied by people the value of 0.1 ppm or 0.2 mg O3/m3 air.
We should note that the ozone deodorizing action is not due to a simple action camouflage the smell but a genuine destruction of organic matter and bacterial triggers.
The air in an enclosed environment it is thinning to reduce oxygen content and increase carbon monoxide. Concentrations ozone of 0.01 ppm, ie 0.02 mg O3/m3 air. TEN TIMES LESS THAN MAXIMUM RATING! You can halve the number of air exchanges, this leads to significant savings in heating or cooling. Recall that
BISBINI in 1964 stated: " Ozone acts as a deodorizer and at concentrations of 0.1 mg or 0.05 ppm air O3/m3 , Witheridge and YAGLOU in 1939 did the experiment to eliminate the odor of 95 adults, from the lowest social class, contained in a small room, the smell was neutralized by 0.015 ppm and also could decrease the air exchange in half.
is beyond doubt that even at low ozone concentrations less than 0.1 ppm, has a remarkable bactericidal, fungicidal and virulicida in general. Destroy rapidly streptococci, staphylococci, colibacteria, as well as stronger difterianas and tetanus toxins.
RENAUD-Laporte said in his speech to the Belgian Committee against Tuberculosis, "that removes impurities from the air into sterilized with ozone, were removed with 98% probability the chances of contracting infectious diseases."
In atmospheres with low levels of contamination found in the proportion of cm3 O3 per m3 of air, lowering significantly this proportion as the atmosphere is being polluted.
Many opinions have been given for the correct dose of ozone that should exist in the atmosphere, namely
ppm (V)
(Univ. of HARVARD)
Witheridge And YAGLOU
(University of Harvard) 0.04
1940 DALLA VALLE 1943
1,947 1 1,950
(USA) 1975
ACGIH (TLV's) ( *) 1,984
0.1 LOI Canadienne 1985
Imexco 0.05 0.07
USSR 0.1 0.05
1,992 0 MEXICAN
, 04
(*) Royal Decree 2414/61 of November 30, Annex 2.
is currently considered safe limit value of 0.1 ppm (0.2 mgr/m3 air) and this value accepted by the scientific associations and American researchers for 15 years and taken as the base for calculating our facilities.
In either exposed cases, we may conclude that:
is important, therefore, when planning an installation, keep in mind important factors such as:
- Cubage exact local ozonate .
- Duration of treatment.
- temperature environment.
- Moisture to ozonate.
- Nature and source of the smell.
- Initial concentration of ozone ...
All of the above, encourages us to think that the industrial development of the ozone has been very slow due to its instability, this being the cause of their difficult production and storage.
However, late last century and based on its industrial-scale manufacturing (Siemens in 1857 built the first ozone generator), there were many researchers and scientists who by their experiences, demonstrate the advantages of ozone as a disinfectant air and water. ACTION
Given the success of ozone inhibitor of bacterial diseases, as we shall see, led many researchers to seek to eliminate viral diseases by the same method, and I must say that the results are far from being a success.
If it had been successful, many viral diseases, which currently have no cure but medical palliative results, would be resolved.
might wonder why you have such faith in the ozone as an inhibitor of disease?, So much so that "charlatans" or sellers of "smoke" wishing to sell ozonation equipment to fight the famous flu (virus H1N1).
The answer is simple, despite the danger of the virus, the fact is that 99% or more of the diseases are caused by bacteria, and they themselves are controlled by ozonation, it is misleading to the general public and abusing its goodwill.
Influenza A (H1N1)
is a natural genetic mutation of a flu variant of the many that exist, every year hundreds of thousands of people per country, the flu, enrolled their disease and are cured, but thousands of them die, one might ask: why this alarm about Flu ?, is based prevention WHO and other agencies concerned with human health?
The answer is yes, it is well founded, since this is a variant of "new" a virus, and since there is no medical way to eliminate viral diseases, the world could face a pandemic, unpredictable results.
difference between flu AY KNOWN
At first mutation of a virus harmful to health and "jump" the animal chain, in and of itself is cause for concern, but the virus also attacks indiscriminately, any type of person, but it is being given more populated areas contrary to the usual, people who used to better resist the attacks of the flu "normal" and put it in quotation marks because there are many types of flu, but everyone in school very similar.
Who has not heard a cold "without going to the doctor for two weeks, going to the doctor two weeks."
The truth is that the H1N1 virus not "kill" itself, but takes the slightest chink in the natural defenses of the person concerned to increase them, so that disease-associated "bacterial type are those finish the dirty work. So the medical when a death occurs, they say that the patient developed an infection associated with it could not overcome.
And here is where it does constant disinfection, hence the advice to wash hands etc ... will help to prevent the H1N1 virus end to a life even if indirectly.
Only from that point of view we can say that environmental ozonation, will help combat the effects of influenza A virus, but it is a fallacy to say, as it has been heard in a program "informative" in some local TV Ozone is the solution to end the Influenza virus A, who says it is insulting to the best scientists, virologists and geneticists in the world.
Therefore we will develop a little action of the bacteria causing nearly 85% of deaths in hospitals. All respiratory, and thus borne Air conditioning systems duct. BACTERICIDAL ACTION
highly bactericidal action of ozone is beyond doubt thanks to the many experiences on this application have been made.
MW, says: "The levels suitable for ventilation leads to a decrease in the content of bacilli in the atmosphere. In addition, small globules of mucus present bacteria to the action of ozone in air over strong conditions of vulnerability, so that, when expectorated by coughing, those projected in the air after the sneezing are the first to be destroyed. " (Literal translation).
KUPFFER , said: "Ozone is very suitable for public baths and swimming pools covered. Also in the slaughterhouses, cold stores and the development of the butcher, ozone prevents mold"
There have been many scientists who have studied the bactericidal effect of ozone, including highlight then some, and the proportion of ozone used in their research as follows: YEAR
ppm (V)
OLSEN 1,913
0.5 to 5
1,925 0.5 1,917
1,949 INGRAM and
3 to 6
Rosenau 1946
Higher concentrations
<0,1> bactericidal activity.
deodorizing action
ozone deodorizing action is not due to a simple effect of camouflage the smell, but it is a real destruction of that chemical.
The air in a closed environment, where there is lots of pedestrian traffic, is thinning is to be diminishing the oxygen content. It has been shown that ozone concentrations of about 0.01 ppm, can reduce the number of air changes in any confined space.
BISBINI in 1964 states: The ozone acts as a deodorant even at low concentrations (0.1 ~ 0.5 mg O3/m3) and its action is particularly noticeable in the neutralization of odors caused by organic substances
SAVAZZINI in 1930 says: A ozonated installation work in a stable, well keep it odor-free, provides an excellent animal health status . (Translation literal). HAINES
in 1939 states: The main function of ozone deodorization . Derobert
in 1954 says: What ozone is used as a deodorant effective in the cheese industry, hospitals, tanneries . (Literal translation).
GILGEN AND WANNER in 1966 recognized: ozone has a deodorizing action, already evident at concentrations equal to 0.02 ~ 0.03 ppm . (Literal translation).
Ozone, in short, due to its oxidizing power, destroys all kinds of unpleasant odors, taking the most action against odors organic origin.
Day by day they are discovering new applications of this gas in medicine, and although our teams except DERMITERM Mod, were never intended to ozone therapy, treatment diseases by ozone, the truth is that many medical teams have conducted with them, with quite significant success, as is apparent in the existing certificates in our information.
Its effect is particularly dramatic in certain diseases (respiratory, asthma, allergies, etc..) Ozone action in these cases not a miracle, but merely to deodorize and disinfect the environment that we breathe or the water we drink. Not without reason
PASTEUR said: "With the air we breathe most of our diseases. In contact with ozone are burned microbes and toxins destroyed. " OTHER APPLICATIONS
is risky to give a full list of applications that ozone has, since more often they are finding new areas where its use solves problems that different industries had raised for several years. Notably
• public environments general. • Disinfection and deodorizing
• Cold stores.
• Food Preservation.
• Deodorization in general.
• Livestock. • Therapeutic treatments
• Elimination of disease Air Conditioning. • Etc.
In any case it is true that a concentration of 0.1 ppm for people to have any kind of discomfort, not only have no complaints but also, as already indicated, need not be seen odor of ozone .
When an air conditioning system is incorporated an ozonation team, what we can say is that the environment is much more "cool", relaxed and healthy, avoiding any type of transmission of infectious bacterial diseases with which, among other things reduces absenteeism and workers through employees. Between department stores, offices and industrial facilities worldwide ozonators countless examples of well done, which, remember, are those who, having obtained the desired results, the environment does not smell of ozone.
has been argued that it had banned the sale of U.S. environmental ozonators, nothing further from the truth: the U.S. America were the first to regulated maximum exposure at 0.1 ppm for stays of 8 continuous hours maximum, with the sole purpose of establishing criteria to benefit the people of the effects bactericides, fungicides, and deodorizers virulicidas ozone.
As you can see, today is using ozone for decontamination of the most diverse environments and with very satisfactory results. Clinics, hospitals, hotels, food industries, restaurants, large air conditioning installations, schools, etc. certify that they are using ozone with a good result in environmental decontamination and deodorization and inhibition bacterial respiratory disease.
could also add the energy savings can be obtained by reducing the number of kilocalories or calories to get the sought comfort in the local reference.
This encourages us to recommend the use of ozonation at low concentrations in pollution-laden environments, especially when there are simple methods of measuring the concentration of ozone in air or water.
buildings usually protect their occupants from pollution prevailing in the city. But in many cases, during the lifetime of the building, pollution levels can be exceeded due to poor internal dirt, dust, humidity, toxic gases, mold and standing water, or create entirely new tables of contamination within the building.
When over 20% of users of a building, has headaches, nausea, dizziness, sore throat, itching or dryness of the skin, nasal congestion or irritation, watery eyes, excessive fatigue and these symptoms disappear if these people leave their place of work or during weekends, it is likely that these symptoms are being caused by some contaminants in the building. The simultaneous existence of some of these symptoms in a group of people known as the " Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) or" Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). A building under these conditions may aggravate bronchial diseases or skin. And it is certainly aggravate a system of flu Influenza A, by contamination with harmful bacteria or fungi and fatal, in the case of low natural defenses.
High outside temperatures of summer.
The temperature difference between day and night is about 6 º C to 8 º C, which favors continuing high humidity and heat inside, which affect a larger population growth microbiological contaminants (fungi, bacteria, virus, etc.)..
air duct insulation .
In many installations it is customary to isolate inside air conditioning ducts or heating to take advantage of the insulation and noise suppressor or silencer. This allows that there are huge wet surfaces susceptible and can become great incubators of biological contaminants called bioaerosols, as it is of biological agents that remain in the air that include fungi, spores, pollen, insects, insects and their droppings, bacteria and viruses.
size and type of systems.
Buildings that sustain this type of problems are usually very large, which is associated with the number of teams, huge runs of ducts, high amounts of condensation in more places, creates other factors that contribute to magnify the problem of pollution .
Low external temperatures.
The winter low temperatures require heating the air entering the building, which when heated too dry and humidification is necessary, which means new sources of moisture and bacterial and fungal growth. It is very desirable to avoid, where possible, air humidification, since the water stored for this purpose is usually an excellent breeding ground for all kinds of germs, or keep moisture ozonated tanks.
Building Materials.
For interior finish uses a large number and variety of manufactured materials, however, this is changing rapidly. New works is advisable to select from several manufacturers to use materials, since they have very different rates of release of pollutants, according to the manufacturing process or surface finish that is submitted, or use alternative materials that do not pollute.
is especially important not to use fiberglass for the air conditioning ducts. Whenever possible and that the budget allows, we recommend using any metallic conduit, which in addition to more costly the installation will most demanding protocol that speeds calculation and must be carefully calculated so that no background noise.
Below are the most common actions from the point of view of treatment of pollutants:
1. Elimination of contaminant removal or elimination of their food resources and production (Prohibit smoking, remove asbestos panels, etc.)..
2. Replacement. Deliberate use of less hazardous materials.
3. Isolation. Encapsulated, shielded, coated, withdrawal or other forms of separate contaminants from contact with people or the environment.
4. By design. New buildings, improve all aspects mentioned in 1 and 2. Selection of materials, methods of maintenance and its spaces, the processes of aeration and others.
5. Dust suppression and cleaning of all precincts of the building. Care and maintenance of cleaning equipment.
6. Good operation and maintenance practices of electromechanical equipment and special air conditioning systems or hot air heating.
7. Education and training of staff and the public. Knowledge of contaminants.
8. Storage and disposal. Appropriate to the toxicity of polluting materials (handling of filters).
9. Filtration and purification. Appropriate equipment, carefully selected and well maintained, to filter or oxidize pollutants (ozone added.)
10. Ventilation. Control of pollutants by dilution.
Other ways to remove pollutants is by absorption with other materials (charcoal filters) or "digestion" the same for some plants such as philodendron, spider plants and other significantly reduce the level of formaldehyde, gerbera and chrysanthemum reduce the level of benzene. The leaves and the floor area near the roots also act as purifiers. There are many indoor plants known for their air purification purposes.
A) In the group of particles are:
1. Respirable particles, as a group (of a size of 10 microns or less.)
2. Snuff smoke (mixed drops of liquids, solids and gases and many different).
3. Fibers Asbestos
4. Allergens (pollen, fungal spores, insect parts and droppings).
5. Pathogens (viruses, fungi and bacteria), often contained in or mixed with other particles. Bioaerosols are a group that includes allergens and pathogens.
B) In the group of vapors and gases are:
1. Carbon monoxide (CO)
2. Radon (whose products adhere to solids)
3. Formaldehyde (HCHO)
4. Other volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
5. Nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2)
POLLUTION specific cases of
A) A.1
PARTICLE) Respirable Particles:
generally defined as less than 10 microns, are divided into biological and nonbiological. Sometimes serve as carriers of other pollutants such as pesticides, radon residues, pathogens, etc. Sources
most common microbes in animal waste and plant (wool, hair, skin, pollen, spores, etc.).. Environmental snuff smoke, paraffin heaters, humidifiers, heaters and fireplaces, coal combustion, dust and dirt on the clothes of the people, maintenance or cleaning products, deterioration of materials due to aging, poor air quality ventilation, soot impairment street tires and combustion processes, ashes.
Symptoms and health effects:
- irritation and respiratory tract infections.
- Irritation of eyes and other moist tissues, including nerve endings at the site of action.
- mechanical difficulties in breathing.
- Worsening cardiac-respiratory ailments.
- Reduction in power of the defense mechanisms.
- Impact on the immune system.
- Morphological changes of the lung tissue.
- carcinogenic particles.
Treatment: Filters and Purifiers air, ozone added, insecticides or other sterilizing compound.
A.2) environmental snuff smoke (ETS).
and is called the smoke from the burning tip of cigarette, which is dissipated in the air, and smoke exhaled by smokers. The act of inhaling these fumes is called "passive smoking", what makes us all smokers.
This environmental smoke (ETS) contains a mixture of irritating, carcinogenic tar particles, SO2, ammonia, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, formaldehyde, benzene and arsenic.
Source: cigarettes, which deliver the air, approximately 4,700 different chemicals.
Benzene levels in places where smoking is 30 to 50 times higher than in those where no one smokes.
Symptoms and health effects: Passive smoking increases the risk of lung cancer (and death) in adults, and increases respiratory diseases in children. According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), snuff smoke contains 43 known carcinogens
Several studies have linked secondhand smoke to heart disease.
Treatment: Prohibit smoking, isolating smokers, increase ventilation rates, filter the smoke with electrostatic filters high efficiency, adding ozone to remove the smell of snuff and also break through oxidation many of the long chains, the most damaging, which are formed during combustion of the cigarette, etc.
A.3) Asbestos. (Natural silicate crystals, filamentous)
Exposure to asbestos has been highly publicized in the press during the last decade. Recent research tend to diminish the effect of recognizing the impact of this contamination level of premature death risk of 1 in 100,000 cases. In contrast, smoking is a risk level of nearly 22,000 cases to 100,000, taking into account all causes, and living with a smoker has a level of 200 per 100,000 cases.
Symptoms and Health Effects: Those most at risk are those who work in factories producing asbestos-containing products and the people who work in maintenance. There are no obvious symptoms or short-term effects.
Treatment: Use the outside, paint, cover, etc. The least desirable is removed. A.4
bioaerosols (Allergens and Pathogens).
bioaerosols or biological agents contained in atmospheric air include yeasts and molds, spores, pollen, insect parts and droppings, bacteria and viruses.
The microorganisms that cause mumps or pests children, colds and colds are not considered bioaerosols.
most common sources: Sources of biological growth, mats or wet insulation boards, mats or carpets, false ceiling plates, papers and wall coverings, the furniture, the standing water in air conditioners, the cooling towers, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, condensate trays and other recipients. People, pets, plants and insects can serve as carriers of biological agents into buildings, or serve as potential sources of the same.
Symptoms and health effects: The most common symptoms include sneezing, eyes watery eyes, coughing, shortness of breath, dizziness, weakness, fever and digestive problems.
Treatment: Avoid the use of insulation in contact with air. Good design of drainage systems condensation products. Thorough cleaning and permanent carpeting, wall coverings, curtains and furniture. In this regard, it is noted that 90% of dirt on ceilings, around grills or diffusers, comes from inside and not outside space or equipment. Delete
through proper design, the untreated air intake - induction or natural draft - buildings. Do not put vents near wet equipment and filter pollutants, filters and systems, where the problem comes from outside.
Use of Ozone: It is in this section where the most influential conveniently ozonated air injection; still very important problems of chemical contamination or physical, the most common are harmful bacterial contamination or microbiological could say. Ozone, because of its high bactericidal and fungicidal, is ideal to combat not only organic odors and "dead air", typical of any plant but also from microbiological contamination.
Among a large number of bacteria present, the most dangerous, yet common in central air systems, both cooling and heating are Legionella pneumophilia
The first one causes a lot of outbreaks, many of them with deaths of people, are well-known cases: the BBC in London in May 1985 three deaths. Benidorm (Spain) 1987, a seaside hotel, dead. Private Military in Zaragoza (Spain) in 1986, two dead. The most famous case, the first led to the characterization of this whole family at the meeting of the Legion of Honor from the U.S., with a high number of deaths.
Symptoms are the same as pneumonia, so at first it was known as "Atypical pneumonia": sneezing, coughing, high fever, fatigue, headache, etc.
The second "family" as well as other pathogenic bacteria that are present in any air conditioning vent is a risk factor only for the staff present, since the chances of surviving outside the human body are very small. Just a shot
conveniently ozonated air guarantees the absence of families and other referenced above.
In studies conducted by Petroleos Mexicanos in its air conditioning systems platform has been found and established the following bacteria and fungi: clinical types
eye infections - infections, digestive
- Cystitis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis
The said company is renovating all of their air conditioning systems by suitably ozonated air injection, having removed all the contamination mentioned above.
Furthermore, in this case, also deleted was a high percentage of carbon monoxide (CO), very toxic, making carbon dioxide (CO2) that is not harmful to health.
are mostly responsible for the disease, "associates" who develop the virus infected Influenza A (H1N1).
Of course there are others such as the pneumococci that cause pneumonia, the disease is more associated with Influenza A. CONCLUSIONS
say that ozone inhibit or as has been said to solve the problem of Influenza A is a scientific aberration, and an apparent disregard thousands of scientists who are working day and night to develop a vaccine against this disease.
The ozonate an environment will be very beneficial for anyone infected by the N1H1 virus Influenza A and to avoid possible development of a disease associated, and in any case maintain an aseptic environment with the greatest possible help to prevent infections people who for whatever reason have low defenses.
most important thing to solve or avoid these problems, and I recognized a few years ago, is the use of air injection in ozonated conveniently central air ducts; TRIOZON is the only manufacturer worldwide that has established a computing system, well experienced in order to solve this type of installation always staying below the limits ozone concentrations allowed by the different legislations in different countries.
in Zaragoza (Spain) to September 30, 2009
Roberto A. García Gracia
Industrial Engineer Masters in environmental engineering
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